Joel Kassim

software developer and web designer

About me

Hi! I'm Joel, a 21-year-old living in Valencia, Spain. I entered the world of programming around 2019, and I've been doing it for fun ever since. Around 2022, I started to work on more serious projects within web development, but I still work on my own fun stuff from time to time.

I usually work as a backend developer in most projects, but, in reality, I'm a full-stack, so I don't mind working on the frontend or on both at the same time.

I'm not picky when it comes to the tech stack, and I'm rather happy working with new languages, but there are some tools that I'm specially comfortable with and that I use most of the time:
Node.js JavaScript TypeScript MongoDB
React Sass Figma


Highlighted projects

Some of my completed projects. Although their basic functionalities are already finished, I tend to add features and release new versions once in a while.

Task Manager App

A task management app with an integrated session system. You can register, login to the app and create, edit and delete tasks.

Kepler CLI Search Tool

A CLI app to discover planets registered by Nasa's Kepler telescope and their properties. Inspired by Andrei Neagoie's Nasa's app.

Design portfolio

My personal "pixel playground". Take a look at some of my web designs. presentation page

Practice design for a music app. A mix between comic style and visible borders. Designed in Figma, developed in Webflow and hosted with Vercel.

SocialPilot landing page

Practice design for a social media management service. Played with some gradients and light backgrounds.

Shay Sapir Investments

An improved home page for Shay Sapir Investment's. Played with ideas from the original page and a new color system to achieve a modern business website

In progress

Projects that I'm currently working on. The code is hot, and the bugs are... bugging, but you can still take a look. I love talking about ongoing projects, and I'm still juggling ideas for most of these, so, if you come up with something, you can let me know in any of my socials.

Real Time Chat App

A mobile chat application that uses web sockets for real-time communication. Built with Flutter (Client) and Node.js (Server).

Task Manager App v2

Task manager app with extended functionality. Enhanced experience, colaborative spaces, e-mail notifications and a desktop app version.

Music Discord bot

A functional discord bot to reproduce music in servers. Originally built in Node.js, currently being adapted in Java.

Portfolio v2

My upcoming new portfolio! New layout, new colors, 3D animations and more. Although I will definitely miss the old website.


Open source and other community contributions

Pokemon Añil Mod Pack

A modpack for the famous Pokemon fan game, "Pokemon Añil" by Eric Lostie. Enables a Random Mode and adds new gen moves.

More coming soon...

That's all for now,
keep an eye for updates!


For business inquiries, you can contact me
using this e-mail:
You can also find me here:
My resume: